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Questions tagged [ex-dividend-date]

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When can I liquidate a position and receive the declared dividend

I’m holding stock in XYZ company and they are paying a dividend on April 3rd but the ex-dividend date is April 4th. In which of those two dates can I sell my stock and still receive the dividend? ...
Phill Alexakis's user avatar
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Finding or calculating rate of return with reinvestment?

How can I find the rate of return from an investment, including both capital gains when I sell it and dividends it paid while I held it? Ideally, the answer should include the case where some or all ...
ricardoreich's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why does the price of a stock really drop on ex-dividend date? [duplicate]

I know that the price of a stock on the ex dividend is supposed to drop by the amount of the dividend. What i don't understand fully is why it happens. I have seen many answers/articles/books etc that ...
gio13's user avatar
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Do I receive dividend if my stocks are assigned on ex-dividend date?

I owned a stock and sold a call option on it. On the Ex-dividend date the option was assigned at pre-market hours and stocks were sold at pre-market. Am I still entitled to receive dividends because I ...
doubleE's user avatar
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Do dividend taxes affect how much a stock price will fall on the ex-dividend date?

In theory, when a company pays out $1 in cash dividends per share, its stock price will fall by $1 due to the cash dividend. Does this relationship change when investors have to pay taxes on the ...
Flux's user avatar
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Is there an authoritative source for ex-dividend dates? [closed]

I'm looking for a place where I can get ex-dividend dates, and it won't be wrong. For example, this press release announced an ex-dividend date but also had a disclaimer. In this particular case, the ...
William Jockusch's user avatar
4 votes
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How to determine the date of distribution of an ETF?

The question may depend on the ETF or the issuer. I am particularly interested in this ETF: UBS ETF (CH) SPI CH0131872431 I am interested in how to find out the ex-date in advance. It would be best to ...
DavWEB's user avatar
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3 answers

Will a stock always correct itself on the ex-div date?

I have a position in a stock (oil company) which has already announced a ~7% dividend with the ex-div date set to 13 May and payment date to 7 June. I am looking to double my position in this stock ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
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16 votes
7 answers

If an investor does not need an income stream, do dividend stocks have advantages over non-dividend stocks?

My limited understanding is that a stock's share price typically goes down on its ex-dividend date by the amount of the dividend. If that's true, why are dividend equities generally considered good ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
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How to determine date that an ETF must be owned to be eligible for the dividend payment?

According to Similar to an individual company's stock, an ETF sets an ex-dividend date, a record date, and a payment date. These dates determine who receives the dividend and when ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
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Why isn't the record date for a dividend at the same time as the ex-dividend date instead of the next business day?

I read on (mirror): Ex-Dividend Date: The ex-dividend date is the date that stock shares trade without the dividend. ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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At which time exactly starts the ex-dividend-date? [duplicate]

Let's say some US company declares the ex-divided-date as Sep 30, 2020. Now at which time exactly does this ex-date start? When this stock is traded in stock exchanges world wide, is the UTC time ...
askolotl's user avatar
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Ex dividend date once or multiple times a year for a given stock?

Could anyone please clarify a confusion for me ? I am fairly new to stock investing and more specifically to dividend investing. I understand dividend dates (declaration, ex-dividend, report, payment) ...
Yassine Alami's user avatar
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Still getting dividends if shares are sold after ex-div?

Bought some stock in let's call it XXX company about ~2 months before their ex-div date. Sold this stock completely 2 weeks after their ex-div date. Dividend payment date is next week - do I still get ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
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Can options exercised after market closes on Friday pull dividends

Assume a stock has an ex-dividend date that falls on a Monday. A covered call is sold Friday just before close. If the call is in the money would the option owner be able to exercise the call in ...
Keith's user avatar
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Can I buy a stock immediately prior to ex div date, then sell after and still get dividends? [duplicate]

Stock market noob here. Can I invest in a stock prior to it's ex-dividend date, then sell after and still get the dividend payout? Let's say for example the ex-dividend date for Stock ABC is Aug ...
tshoemake's user avatar
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Closing a short position on the ex-dividend date

I understand that if I close a short position on the ex-dividend date then I owe the lender the dividend. It is taken from my account. Where does the money the company pays for the dividend on those ...
user88011's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

How do U.S. stock exchanges specifically account for dividends and ex-dividend dates?

At another question about ex-dividend dates and withholding taxes, an answer from Bob Baerker says: Stock exchanges reduce share price by the exact amount of the dividend on the ex-dividend date [...
Chris W. Rea's user avatar
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Avoiding withholding tax by selling shares before ex-dividend date?

Recently I sold 3006 DLS shares the day before the ex-dividend date. On the ex-dividend date, for the same amount of the sale, I bought 3052 DLS shares. I have therefore gained 48 DLS shares. So ...
Corvo's user avatar
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Stock markets and dividends: When exactly does one need to own shares to be entitled to the dividend? [duplicate]

I have a more or less formal question regarding dividends. If a company pays an (annual) dividend of - say - 5%, this is voted for/against on the annual general meeting. Now, the dividend is paid ...
Xenonite's user avatar
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Where can I find dividend payout frequencies? [closed]

Most equities pay out dividends each quarter, but some equities like DIV pay out every month. Is there an API or hard coded list available with the payout frequency per equity? Or is it safe to ...
brt's user avatar
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9 answers

Is it legal to “mine” dividends? [duplicate]

Dividends are paid to share holders based on ownership of shares before the “ex-dividends” date. Example: Stock A has an ex-date of July 1st Stock B has an ex-date of July 15th Stock C has an ex-date ...
Eliot G York's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Buying puts before dividends get paid out

This question is a direct extension of this question, which asks if you short a stock before the dividend pays out are you guaranteed money since the price should go down? The answer states shorting a ...
Spencer's user avatar
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Cuerrent months ex-dividend date versus the next months ex-dividend date?

If I know the current months ex-dividend date is there any way to determine the next months ex-dividend date?
Bob R's user avatar
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Did the 2007 Domino's Pizza special dividend present an opportunity to make an (almost) riskless profit?

According to Domino's Pizza's 10-K: On April 17, 2007, our board of directors declared a $13.50 per share special cash dividend on its outstanding common stock totaling $846.4 million, which ...
unutbu's user avatar
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What are the "capital gains" my ETF is distributing to me alongside its dividends?

Today I noticed several ETFs I own, including SLYG, opened at a significantly lower value than they closed at yesterday (SLYG was $7.975 lower to be exact). Apparently yesterday a dividend was ...
partyphysics's user avatar
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Why sometimes payable date is BEFORE the ex-dividend date?

Rarely, but quite consistently I come across the situation when the payable date precedes the ex-dividend date. A couple of examples: http://www.cboe....
Mikhail Parakhin's user avatar
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Who gets the dividend when a stock is bought/sold around the ex-dividend date? [duplicate]

I understand if I buy a stock one day before the ex-dividend date and it settles after the ex-dividend date I don't get the dividend. If I sell a stock the day before the ex-dividend date and it ...
prmart's user avatar
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What does a Dividend "will not be quoted ex" mean?

A recent dividend on NYSE:SNE (Sony) is described as "Will not be quoted ex". What does this actually mean? Does the dividend have an ex-date or not? Which day would be the last day to buy this ...
TraderPatrick's user avatar
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When short selling a dividend stock, what is the earliest date to cover and break even

Let's assume the ex-dividend date is 5/5/2016. 1) What is the latest date that I can cover before I'm on the hook for the dividend to begin with? 2) If I'm already on the hook for the dividend, ...
Ryan Dantzler's user avatar
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What if I sell an stock that is going to give an stock dividend after the ex-date but before the payable date

I know that in the case of cash dividends I will get the dividend as long as I bought the stock before the ex-date but what happens in the case of an stock dividend?
LuisClemente's user avatar
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Consider dividends in timing of rebalancing ETFs?

Most of my investments are in ETFs that I rebalance occasionally or purchase additional shares when I have cash. Currently, when I do a rebalance or an additional purchase, I don't look at the ...
minou's user avatar
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Ex-dividend dates for Nikkei and Dow Jones on CFD and Spread Bet Markets?

I've found a few ex-dividend date sites for the Dow Jones (can't find any decent ones for the Japanese Nikkei Index). However the ex-dividend dates don't seem to match when I get dividend payouts on ...
User101's user avatar
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How is dividend of my owned stocks calculated? [duplicate]

Say I bought a stock on Jan 5 and sold it on Sept 3 in the same year, how do the company pay the dividend? What if I sold it on Jan 6?
AGamePlayer's user avatar
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How does a dividend announcement affect a option straddle position

If I buy an at the money straddle, hoping to profit from a volatility increase, then how does an underlying dividend announcement affect my PnL? I am thinking that if the underlying announces a ...
Victor123's user avatar
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Does a bond etf drop by the amount of the dividend just like an equity etf

Usually a stock or an equity etf drops by the amount of the dividend on the ex dividend date. Does the same rule apply to a bond fund or bond etf? When a bond etf pays the quarterly dividend because ...
Victor123's user avatar
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Do I retain the dividend if I buy back a short stock before the ex dividend date

Let us say I am short a stock ABC. I buy the stock back on the ex dividend date. Now, when I buy the stock, I have to return it to the original lender that loaned me the stock,correct? If that is the ...
Victor123's user avatar
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How does dividend payout happen?

Intel Corporation's board of directors has declared a quarterly dividend of 22.5 cents per share (90 cents per share on an annual basis) on the company's common stock. The dividend will be payable on ...
Martin's user avatar
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Do I have to pay MLP distribution if short via option?

If I sell a naked put on VLP, do I have to pay the partnership distribution if I'm holding the option when the distribution is declared?
4thSpace's user avatar
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Can you short a stock before the ex-div. date to make a profit?

If the price of a share automatically declines the same amount as the dividend on the ex-div. date why don't people short the stock right before the ex-date and then when the share price drops ...
user11880's user avatar
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How is the dividend payment calculated when an asset is disposed on the ex date? [duplicate]

Example: XYZ Corp pays a $0.25/share dividend - Ex date=1/15/13, Pay date 1/31/2013 I own 100 total shares of XYZ on 1/1/2013 I buy 50 shares of XYZ on 1/15/2013 at 12 PM (increasing shares to 150) I ...
Michael's user avatar
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Ex-dividend date and time zones

Is the ex-dividend date linked to the time zone of the market it is bought at? Let's imagine an American firms stock traded at NASDAQ and a German market, the ex-Dividend day being the 1st February. ...
Dans's user avatar
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Question about ex-dividend date timing

For example, if the ex-dividend date is next Monday, and I buy the stock on next Monday, would I get the dividend? Or would the person who sold the stock to me get the dividend?
Perfection's user avatar