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-1 votes

Can I buy a stock without owning it?

It's probably worth mentioning stock options as a way of getting exposure to stock appreciation without ownership. But they're not suitable for such a long timeframe.
alekop's user avatar
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6 votes

Can I buy a stock without owning it?

One of the simpler alternatives would be Private Pension System in Turkey. It would be in your sister's name, so unaffected by any personal financial trouble you would go through. Your sister will ...
jpa's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I buy a stock without owning it?

This is called a trust - you can set it up such that the assets inside it can only be transferred to your sister and only after twenty years have passed. She would be the beneficiary - the person who ...
AAM111's user avatar
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51 votes

Can I buy a stock without owning it?

I think you need to talk to a financial advisor and/or lawyer that knows the legal details in your jurisdiction. The normal vehicle to protect assets is to set up a trust. However, trusts are ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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