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99 votes

How can I fairly give the option to be paid in Bitcoin?

When you decide to accept multiple currencies as payment, you need to decide what the price will be for each currency. That price really needs to stay fixed between the invoice date and the due date. ...
Ben Miller's user avatar
  • 116k
73 votes

Should I pay myself back for paying family's rent out of our pool of money?

David Schwartz's answer is great, I just wanted to add that since you have credit card debt, that $1,500 in rent could cost you a lot more due to interest. Average credit card interest rate is ~16%, ...
Hart CO's user avatar
  • 70.8k
62 votes

Bill payee can't find my payment and threatens debt recovery action

Find a name To escalate, you don't want a random helpdesk - you want a name. In this case, I'd suggest googling "finance director (this university name)". You can then ring the main ...
Graham's user avatar
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60 votes

Why do doctors seem to overcharge for services?

This is one of the side effects of the utterly broken health insurance system in the US. It roughly works like this: Health insurance is determined by your employer (not by you) Employers and their ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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59 votes

How to categorize time spent on family work as billable expense

Assuming you're in the US, you can't do that. The IRS doesn't value your time, they value your revenue and actual expenses. For your personal record keeping you can call it whatever you want, but for ...
Hart CO's user avatar
  • 70.8k
59 votes

How do people with multiple credit cards keep track of their due dates and not miss payments?

No, paying only the minimum does not avoid interest charges. If you do not pay the full balance by the due date, then you will pay interest on some or all of the total balance, depending on the terms ...
D Stanley's user avatar
  • 140k
48 votes

Should I pay myself back for paying family's rent out of our pool of money?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. It's really about how much you are willing to, are expected to, or should help your family. You could certainly gift the $1,500 to your family and ...
David Schwartz's user avatar
47 votes

Hotel lost my clothes; sent them to my home; now I am being chased to pay for delivery

First thing to do is to ascertain why FedEx thinks that you as the receiver should pay for the delivery, rather than the sender. For FedEx to have a valid claim against you, you would have had to ...
Arno's user avatar
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45 votes

$7300 medical billing error reported to credit agencies

My question is what more can I do to ensure this doesn't happen again. Credit monitoring services can be helpful at detecting things like this early, but they can't actually prevent them, clerical ...
Hart CO's user avatar
  • 70.8k
41 votes

Professionals who provide the same services as Mint; i.e. personal expense tracking & analysis?

Money managers do not operate on such a micro level. At best, they offer a big picture plan: savings, retirement planning, tax guidance, investment options, etc. At worst, they're promoting ...
Bob Baerker's user avatar
  • 76.9k
36 votes

How to categorize time spent on family work as billable expense

Years ago I did some free work for a non-profit and I asked my accountant if I could deduct that effort as an expense. He explained why I couldn't like this: If you want to deduct it, then invoice ...
TTT's user avatar
  • 47.3k
34 votes

Is there any risk in sending copies of my ID and utility bills to a company that cold-called me?

I'm more wary of the photo ID than the utility bill. I haven't pulled the trigger on solar but I did do some price shopping. Every company needed a copy of my electric bill in order to provide a quote ...
TTT's user avatar
  • 47.3k
32 votes

If a check is written for bill, but account number is not mentioned on memo line, is it still processed?

Normally, the check will get processed regardless of what appears on the memo line. You're generally sending the check back along with (a portion of) the bill and the bill is going to have the ...
Justin Cave's user avatar
  • 27.9k
32 votes

Bill payee can't find my payment and threatens debt recovery action

It seems to me that an option not much discussed here is to enlist the aid of someone at your bank. You have the records of the money being disbursed from your account -- it is going somewhere. Your ...
R. Hamilton's user avatar
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32 votes

How can I fairly give the option to be paid in Bitcoin?

I would not hand out a BTC address and hope the exchange rate stays relatively stable until the client can pay so that everything stays fair. Rather, you could include a link to a bitcoin payment page ...
GrandmasterB's user avatar
29 votes

How can I fairly give the option to be paid in Bitcoin?

If you're a big company that accepts payment in one currency but has expenses in another (i.e. you're building widgets in Mexico where you pay for everything in pesos and selling widgets in America ...
Justin Cave's user avatar
  • 27.9k
28 votes

Automatic payment *after* payment due date: why?

I don't think you have anything to worry with regards to late payments penalties. The sign-up form says this: Continue to pay your water bill as usual until you receive a bill saying, "APSis in ...
littleadv's user avatar
  • 181k
25 votes

Is there any risk in sending copies of my ID and utility bills to a company that cold-called me?

Identity theft, probably. Photo ID is not something a business has a legitimate interest in, unless the business is granting you a loan. Where I live, it is pretty much usual to ask a customer to show ...
fraxinus's user avatar
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23 votes

Scheduling bill payments exactly on pay day - dangerous risk of overdraft?

I got to work on overdraft class action suits with many of the largest banks in the US. Every bank we analyzed data for batch processed transactions at the end of the night, and posted credits first, ...
Hart CO's user avatar
  • 70.8k
23 votes

How do people with multiple credit cards keep track of their due dates and not miss payments?

In the UK the system is called Direct Debit and has existed for decades; the credit card company (or any payee) submits a request to pay the owed amount directly to your bank and your bank pays it, ...
Tom W's user avatar
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21 votes

Bill payee can't find my payment and threatens debt recovery action

I would strongly disrecommend (?) your first bullet "Sit tight in comfort that whoever comes after the "debt" will see all is in order". Broadly speaking, dedicated debt recovery ...
AakashM's user avatar
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19 votes

Professionals who provide the same services as Mint; i.e. personal expense tracking & analysis?

The best term I can get to work with Google is "Cash flow and budget analysis" or some variation with "financial planner" or "personal" included. This includes a lot of ...
Nosjack's user avatar
  • 10k
18 votes

What happens if someone bought most $100 bills?

Lets say Jeff Besos and Bill Gates get really high one day and decide to liquidate all their assets, buy up all $100 bills they can get their hands on (lets say 90% of all bills in circulation) Can't ...
RonJohn's user avatar
  • 50.8k
18 votes

How do people with multiple credit cards keep track of their due dates and not miss payments?

I apply the K.I.S.S. principle and pay all my credit card balances at the end of the month, no matter the due date. Benefits: I pay for things in the month I buy them. I'm never charged interest. It ...
RonJohn's user avatar
  • 50.8k
17 votes

Electricity meter was installed, can I reduce my all inclusive rent without problems?

You have misunderstood the issue. since we're now paying electricity separately, shouldn't we be paying less rent as now the electricity component of the rent is now not being supplied by the ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
16 votes

Should I pay myself back for paying family's rent out of our pool of money?

First and foremost, your hesitation is commendable. I think your quality of asking before doing is appreciated. I also think you should approach your siblings the same way. There are are a few ...
Mike's user avatar
  • 269
16 votes

Bill payee can't find my payment and threatens debt recovery action

Assuming that you resolve the most recent payment, how about changing your practices for future payments? The next time a bank transfer is sent, immediately request a receipt from the finance office. &...
Orange Coast- reinstate Monica's user avatar
13 votes

Generic name for the smallest unit of currency?

I think the term you are looking for is fractional monetary unit. Monetary unit refers to the standard base unit of currency, such as the dollar. The fractional monetary unit is a unit of currency ...
Ben Miller's user avatar
  • 116k
13 votes

How do people with multiple credit cards keep track of their due dates and not miss payments?

Everything is set to autopay in full. I have most every account also set to send me an e-mail for any charge over $0.
Loren Pechtel's user avatar
12 votes

Bill payee can't find my payment and threatens debt recovery action

Let me add to @AakashM's answer the following: Begin a paper trail immediately. The fact that this is a frequently recurring problem gives you tremendous weight of evidence if this ends up in court. ...
William Walker III's user avatar

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