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36 votes

Paying a parking fine when I don't trust the recipient

A credit card is the best form of payment in this scenario, except for paying cash in person of course if that were an option. A credit card gives you several benefits: Immediate confirmation of the ...
Nosjack's user avatar
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27 votes

Paying a parking fine when I don't trust the recipient

Another option could be Revolut, an online bank based in the UK, which also offers single use, throwaway virtual cards for online transactions. You would need to get an account with them first, and ...
terdon's user avatar
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10 votes

Paying a parking fine when I don't trust the recipient

Write the cheque. The nice thing about cheques is that if the payment is disputed then there is a record of who cashed it and where the money went. If they claim they didn't get it then just tell them ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
4 votes

In general, does "the market" prefer or dislike bottom-floor apartments/flats?

I recently purchased the middle unit in a three-stack which had an asking price higher than the bottom floor, but less than the top floor. I inquired with my buyer's agent why this was the case - ...
William Walker III's user avatar
2 votes

Private Pension - UK Citizen, Moves Country Every Year

I don't think you are going to find an easy solution for this. The good news is that anybody can make payments into a savings fund for their retirement. The bad news is that unless you fulfil the tax ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
1 vote

Paying a parking fine when I don't trust the recipient

For that sort of thing (and relatively trustworthy recipients) I tend to use Paypal if the recipient accepts it- avoids giving CC or bank account information out for a one-time transaction. But if ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
1 vote

If you exceed the Personal Savings Allowance in the UK, do you personally have to report it to HMRC?

If the Self Assessment checker on the HMRC webpage says you don't need to submit a Self Assessment tax return, then you do not need to - and there's no other way to inform them of interest earned. If ...
Vicky's user avatar
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