Usually when you pay with a Visa or MasterCard online you have to provide a billing address. Many online shops, especially from the United States, will only send purchases to the cardholders billing address, to prevent someone fraudulently using someone else's card.
In what countries is there actually a system that allows the merchant to verify the address the customer entered online - if it matches with the credit card billing address?
I suspect such systems (Address Verification System), for Visa and MasterCard cards, only exists for cards issued by banks from:
- United States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
In all other countries the customer can enter any address during the credit card purchase, and the merchant has absolutely no way of verifying if it matches the cardholder billing address (and if they claim to verify it - its just a bluff).
Are there any other countries where an Address Verification System for Visa/MasterCard exists?
Has anyone ever observed that his online purchase with a Visa or MasterCard from any other country was rejected because of address (on name) mismatch?