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3 votes
2 answers

Private pension for frequent country moves?

I hope this is sufficiently specific that it's answerable, I feel very ignorant about this topic, so I'm not even sure I'm asking a good question. I'd like advice on the terminology, and key ...
Clumsy cat's user avatar
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Caveat for participating in a private retirement fund sponsored by German "Riester-Rente"?

In my occupational pension scheme (VBL) I can, in addition to the legally required private pension insurance (VBL klassik), opt-in to extra private pension insurance (VBL extra). The latter is ...
gerrit's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Are traditional pensions still optimal in the 21st century? [closed]

I have long had an issue with traditional pensions, I searched around and found some people at least seem to share some similar thoughts. In short, my concerns are: Too restrictive (you can't use the ...
Cloud's user avatar
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Can one take retirement benefits from both Europe and the US?

Person A, a German citizen who currently holds a US green card and lives in the US, worked earlier in their life in three different European countries, contributing to various government-sponsored ...
aparente001's user avatar
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Is Private Pension Worth It

I am 23 and now looking into what to do with some leftover monthly money. My question is whether getting a pension is worth it or not. Are pensions in general just scams? Am I just wasting money on a ...
Paul Kruger's user avatar
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Early retirement options

I plan to retire early (around age 45). Living in Europe. My question relates to what order I should be saving / investing in now and what order to use that money when I get to my early retirement age....
Cloud's user avatar
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Is this retirement plan worth the risk?

I am a 24 year old male living in an EU country, with a gross salary (before tax) of €26,000. I am very new to the world of investment and do not have any experience - at best, I could say that I ...
Finance's user avatar
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Private pension ensurance - Split over multiple contracts?

What are the pros and cons of running several pension ensurances beside each other, instead of putting all the money into one ensurance? Model all in one: Contract A 2016 -> 100€/month Contract A ...
jawo's user avatar
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5 votes
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Suggested ways to save for a comfortable retirement in the UK given the lifetime allowance limits on pensions?

I've heard the rumor that this March's UK Budget will lower the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) from £1M to £800k or even less. They might index this for inflation. That seems to me to be a pretty low ...
Zebidoo's user avatar
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2 votes
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My pf no on salary slip is MH/PUN/ Can anyone tell me how can I get UAN no if combination for Maharashtra-Pune becomes PU/PUN UAN Member Portal?

I work in India, Pune. I want to generate UAN [Universal Account Number] allocated to track the PF [Provident Fund, Govt. Pension scheme]. I was using government site Employee's Provident Fund ...
Shirish Herwade's user avatar
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Pension Investing dilemma

I'm 61 years old, recently retired and need to decide how to take my pension from my former employer's pension fund. This is a church-affiliated hospital system pension fund in the USA and is ...
newlyretired61's user avatar
2 votes
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What should I take into consideration when deciding whether to transfer a pension fund?

I have a pension with a previous company, and a pension with the company I am working for now. The two pensions are very similar as far as I can tell. How should I decide whether to leave the old ...
conradj's user avatar
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13 votes
7 answers

Pros & cons in Hungary of investing retirement savings exclusively in silver? What better alternatives, given my concerns?

For my retirement savings, my strategy is to buy a decent amount of silver (8% of my salary, roughly 1 month) every year to put away in coin form. I am currently investing in nothing else for the long ...
CsBalazsHungary's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it better not to compartmentalize savings for multiple financial goals and better to imagine it as a single corpus?

I had an introductory meeting with an independent Certified Financial Planner who mentioned that: People tend to allocate a certain amount for their children's marriage, or buying property or ...
Nav's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How to take care of pension funds if career is spread over many different countries?

I am a young academic from The Netherlands presently working in Sweden. Due to the nature of modern Academia, I expect that within the next 40+ years, I will be working in many different countries ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Pensions - Where to start? (UK)

What are the key decisions that I need to make and what key information should I know before starting a Pension in the UK? I am 24 and living in the UK. I want, well more like should, start a pension ...
Damien's user avatar
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DIY retirement savings plans for Canadian small business?

I work for a small business that currently offers no retirement plan. A few of my coworkers and I are more or less couch potato investors, but we each manage our own self-directed RRSPs or mutual fund ...
Jason B's user avatar
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