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Questions tagged [isa]

An ISA is a financial product available to residents in the United Kingdom. It is designed for the purpose of investment and savings with a favourable tax status.

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3 votes
2 answers

Why do my lifetime ISA and stocks and shares ISA perform differently if they've both bought the same fund?

I have both a stocks and shares ISA, and a lifetime ISA. I pay similar amounts into both and make sure to keep under the total £20,000 limit. Both ISAs have money in the S&P 500 as accumulator ...
user356816's user avatar
5 votes
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What date in a tax year to invest in an ISA?

There is a well known result that if you have to choose the best option from a set of randomly distributed options then you should sample the first 37% of them, then from the remaining 63% select the ...
John Rennie's user avatar
0 votes
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Calculating return on ISA

I'm based in the UK and trying to calculate how much I've made in my ISA. Below is a mock-up of the monthly investments and how I calculate my returns where I take the current price divided by the ...
leesin's user avatar
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Lifetime ISA (LISA) eligibility with foreign spouse who owns property abroad

I want to open a Lifetime ISA in order to buy a house in the future. I'm a UK citizen and have never owned property. My wife is a foreign citizen with UK residency, and owns property abroad that was ...
Joseph's user avatar
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capital gains liability of holdings "transferred" out of ISA?

I have an ISA with Freetrade. I bought shares of Arrival between 2021 and 2022. Arrival has been delisted. Freetrade has notified me: Further to our previous notification, this stock fails to meet ...
jhnc's user avatar
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Is a stock ISA simply the account one uses to invest in investment platforms?

No matter what I read/watch, it isn't quite clear to me if a stocks/shares ISA is one of the following two: an account where I can put some money into, and then invest that same money (by linking it ...
user7077252's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a french equivalent to UK's Stock ISA?

While living in London I had a Stock ISA account which worked pretty well. I now live in France and I am struggling to find a similar product. I know about Livret A but it seems to be just a savings ...
algiogia's user avatar
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Are losses inside a stocks and shares isa tax refundable in anyway?

I invested 40k in stocks and shares isa. They lost value by 15k. Is there any way to make this tax deductible somehow? I hear rich people do stuff like this often. I'm still holding onto the shares ...
ZR ZR's user avatar
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Should a UK-US dual national open a S&S lifetime ISA?

Context I am 24, live in the UK and just starting to think about long-term savings. I've heard that the UK lifetime ISA is one of the more effective ways to save for a first house/retirement. Since ...
Nik's user avatar
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Reinvesting money in an ISA within the same tax year

In September 2022 I withdrew £25,000 from a stocks and shares ISA. I pay in £200 on the 25th of each month to the same ISA. 11 payments since April 6th: £2200. I have just received £60,000. Before 5th ...
woter324's user avatar
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Is there any reason to not put money into a stocks and shares ISA over a regular investing account?

I have a small amount of money in a regular investment account however I am considering putting more in. The UK tax-free dividend allowance is £2,000, although will reduce to £1,000 in the new ...
Jsk's user avatar
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Relation between BoE rates and fixed Isa rates

I would like to understand the relation between BoE rates and fixed isa rates (if there is one). Is there any kind rule of thumb saying that fixed isa rates should be slightly higher than BoE rates? ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Trustee on ISA any tax legal implications

My cousin moved to Australia years ago and his fixed term ISA has matured. He has paid tax on the interest in the uk but says he has no uk bank to move the money to as the bank has closed it. He ...
lil's user avatar
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Understanding Time-Weighted Rate of Return

In general I consider myself a relatively maths-literate person, but I'm really struggling to understand TWRR (Time-Weighted Rate of Return); at least as my investment provider is presenting it to me. ...
Andrew Ferrier's user avatar
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Flexibility on opening multiple Cash ISAs in one tax year [duplicate]

I expect this question is UK-specific. I have a UK ISA with provider A. I have not yet credited any money into this ISA in this tax year yet. The interest rate is poor, so I'd like to open a new ISA ...
Andrew Ferrier's user avatar
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Lifetime ISAs appear to be well and truly tax free, so why use anything else as a retirement plan?

When you invest in a Lifetime ISA, HMRC will top up your investment by 25%. This negates the 20% tax that most people pay. As Lifetime ISAs are ISAs and are therefore never ever taxed, this makes ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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What can I hold within a UK Stocks & Shares ISA?

I hold a S&S ISA and understand the principles of trading quite well, but beyond single stocks I don't really understand what can and cannot be held within this vehicle... funds, bonds, equities, ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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Can one gift surplus US income to a sibling in the UK to put into an ISA, and be re-gifted this money on their return to the UK?

Suppose a UK citizen ("Alice") moves to the US for 3 years for work. I am aware that 1) when Alice stops being a UK resident, she is no longer able to pay into UK ISAs, and 2) when she ...
zmy's user avatar
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Inheriting an ISA

What are the restrictions or complications around inheriting an ISA if I already have one? Is it simply that I can’t pay into it or more problematic because of inheritance tax?
Matt W's user avatar
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4 answers

Have I left investing until too late?

I'm 44 and have only the investment of a house. I was scared off ISAs (individual savings accounts) etc because of the complexity, choice, etc and only now have I come to make the decision to open an ...
Matt W's user avatar
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Holding ISAs after emigrating to Poland

I'm a UK resident and plan to move to Poland for at least 10 years, in 2 years' time. I'm intending to open a junior Investment ISA and, for me, an Investment ISA. We will retain our property here in ...
Matt W's user avatar
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Can I buy an overseas property using the bonus from a Lifetime ISA?

I have a Lifetime ISA but am looking to move overseas in the next few months. I am yet to buy any property and thus my first property purchase will most likely be overseas, can I use my Lifetime ISA ...
Jordan Belfort's user avatar
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Tax-free (or low tax) investments for US citizen residing in the UK?

I am a US citizen residing in the UK (long-term, possibly including in retirement). My spouse is also a US citizen, and my children have dual citizenships. Are there any investments available to us ...
Andrew Jaffe's user avatar
6 votes
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Effect of withdrawing money on ISA contribution allowance

If I haven’t put my ISA allowance in this year but have taken £12,000 out of my ISA, how much can I put in for that year?
Graham Roberts's user avatar
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Legally avoiding foreign Tax on Junior and Investment ISA while living abroad

I love the ISA investment account and I'm now considering investing in a Junior ISA for my newborn son. I understand that if you have any these accounts open while you live abroad then you are not ...
juan's user avatar
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Can you transfer holdings from an ISA account into a regular broker account in-kind?

I haven't found any info on this. I learned that I cannot bring assets into an ISA (see e.g. here), but there is no mention anywhere about taking assets out of one. I know the government expects to ...
wanderer's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the reasoning behind 1 ISA subscription per type per tax year

I get that, in each tax year, you can pay-in up to your ISA limit (at the moment £20000) into any number of - or create new - ISA accounts, so long as it's only one of each type. So you can create a ...
J_mie6's user avatar
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Can I transfer my HL LISA to a HL Stocks and Shares ISA without affecting my ISA allowance?

I have a Hargreaves Lansdown LISA and am concerned that the £450k limit may be too restrictive in the future as I am not planning to buy any time soon (and I am living in London). Since the ...
dippynark's user avatar
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Is it worth opening an ISA at the moment? [closed]

I'm looking to open a long term savings account, something to regularly put money into but not withdraw. I can't find an ISA or regular savings account which pays more than 1.5% and investment ...
Matt W's user avatar
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Lifetime ISA, Cash ISA

I'm planning to get my first home next year and thinking to open a lifetime ISA account. Can someone advise on these things please, still not quite sure: Is there any minimum amount of money to ...
tonoslfx's user avatar
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Claiming UK benefits with a SIPP/ISA

I am ask for a friend, who is expecting hard times soon. My friend is not computer literate, and I know nothing of the UK benefits system. The best information I can find is How do savings and lump ...
Sam Fox's user avatar
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Which is suitable for people with low/midrate income: ISA, LISA, Marcus?

I'm thinking of creating a small rainy day fund, I've seen some of the products and services banks offer, be it ISA accounts with average interest rates, LISA for potential home owners and the new ...
Omor's user avatar
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UK ISA buying US stocks

I was wondering how stamp duty and tax works with buying and selling international stocks e.g. US companies. I currently don't get charged stamp duty when buying US stocks with my broker and have not ...
ebg11's user avatar
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Cash ISA restrictions in the UK

I'm trying to understand the restrictions on putting money into cash ISAs in the UK. Currently, the government homepage says "Every tax year you can put money into one of each kind of ISA. The ...
Andrew Ferrier's user avatar
6 votes
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Do I need to get a mortgage when using the Lifetime ISA?

I am using the Lifetime ISA and was wondering if it's possible to use the money to buy a first home without getting a mortgage at all. For example, if I have enough money in the LISA, perhaps together ...
dippynark's user avatar
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UK first-time home buyer government programs - ISA

I am currently looking for my first house to buy. I looked at, The Help to Buy ISA had been closed to new accounts at midnight on 30 ...
tonoslfx's user avatar
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Questions on Index fund dividends

I wanted to ask a few questions regarding Index funds and its dividends. The questions are the following: If I decided to invest 10k into an Index fund and contribute monthly around 100-200 and ...
lordindex's user avatar
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Apply the UK ISA tax relief to investments I hold in my home country

I'm Spanish but I work and live in the UK, therefore my the latter is my tax residence. I want to start investing from my home country to avoid problems if I leave the UK (frozen accounts and the ...
Martel's user avatar
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Investment (long-term) plan for an expat [closed]

I want to open an ISA in the UK with Vanguard, however I'm not thinking in staying in this country for the long term (maximum another two/two-and-a-half years). This makes me thing that probably it's ...
Martel's user avatar
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Comparison of tax benefits in ISAs and pensions schemes in the UK

I'm reading about pension schemes in general, and in the UK in particular. I think I have understood how the tax relief works, still I'm not sure. Given this quote I have found: If you are a basic ...
Martel's user avatar
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UK First time buyer- offer accepted on house: Should I reduce offer due to coronavirus?

I live & work in the UK. A few weeks ago, I had a verbal offer accepted on a house (I am a first time buyer). I had initially offered a bit lower than the asking price, that offer was rejected, ...
Noble-Surfer's user avatar
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Can I open and pay into both cash Lifetime ISA and Stocks and Shares LISA in the same year?

I have a stocks and shares LISA but as I might want to use the funds in not too distant future I would like to lower the risk of losing a significant portion of the money by also putting some money ...
David O's user avatar
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Innovative finance ISA

I have an emergency fund I am happy with and a Stocks and Shares Lifetime ISA where I am saving up for a house. As I am going to be going into my last year of university I was researching higher ...
David O's user avatar
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Lifetime ISA with small stake in an overseas home

I have been using a Lifetime ISA to save towards a deposit on the purchase of my first home. Recently, I inherited a 12.5% share of the house in Germany in which my father currently lives. The rules ...
Ubiquitous's user avatar
3 votes
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When buying funds in an ISA, who counts as "the institution" under the FSCS - the fund manager or the ISA provider?

I understand that investments are covered under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) up to £85,000 per institution. If I have a stocks and shares ISA with a broker (eg: Cavendish Online) ...
mr-smudge's user avatar
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Can the Lifetime ISA stop me getting benefits?

I'm fully employed as a software developer but if I lose my job, would the money in a Lifetime ISA put me over the threshold to receive benefits and have my national insurance contributions covered? I ...
red squirrel's user avatar
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Is the UK ISA's tax relief applied to ETFs that hold stocks of non British companies?

Is the ISA's tax relief applied to ETFs like VUSA (S&P 500 index tracker), which holds stocks of countries other than the UK?
Martel's user avatar
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Lifetime ISA Eligibility

I am a director of a Limited company (SPV) which owns an investment property on a Limited Company Buy to Let. I am one of four directors, other directors are parents and sibling. I don't own a ...
Jon Bentley's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the difference between these 2 S&P500 tracking iShare ETFs?

Relevance of the following discussion How can a investor from the UK invest in the S&P500 without being exposed to currency risk? There are at least the following two low cost ETFs. If I had ...
cmhteixeira's user avatar
2 votes
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Does the UK life time ISA bonus increase with inflation?

If I contribute £4k, the government will contribute a £1k bonus. If in 5 years £4.4k has the same relative value as 4k does now (based on inflation), would I be able to pay in £4.4k and get £1.1k, ...
red squirrel's user avatar