I bought a small piece of electronics for around 200€ on ebay-kleinanzeigen, the german equivalent of craigslist. The seller seemed honest and we agreed on him shipping the goods and me paying through PayPal. A day after I had paid, he said he packaged everything. Since then, I have not heard back from him.
About a week later, when I asked him when my package would arrive, ebay-kleinanzeigen emailed me back saying they banned the seller, but they will not tell me why.
I contacted the seller through PayPal but he hasn't responded in 4 days. Tomorrow I will contact the PayPal team to get a refund.
What is curious to me though is, why would someone try to scam people but accept payment through PayPal? Is there any way for him to profit off this?
Update: It is now two weeks after I bought the piece of hardware and it just got here. No comment from the seller, just a small box with the electronics in it. It works just fine, too. I closed the PayPal case and still am a bit in disbelieve but oh well, I can't complain much :)