Sadly I have already gone down the Computer Science route for a degree, however I would like to learn more about Trusts, Funds, Equities etc... for a future career or for personal investments.
I have spent quite a lot of time researching from various sources, learning difference between open ended and closed ended, among other things. I was confident enough to put £500 into a high risk investment Fund with JP Morgan due to the past returns and the rating from Morning Star, so far everything seems to be going well. I know past performance does not mean future performance will be same, you can get back less than you invested. I am not completely new to this, nor am I immature.
My questions:
How do I calculate my returns on say a £500 investment with this Trust?
I assume it is the Net Asset Value (NAV). So forgetting fees, it would be calculated like this for 12/13:
500 + 21.24% = £606.20
Where can I learn more about this so I can stop asking these beginner questions in the future? Be nice if I was given a list of resources, from beginner for fun investor and above.
I have shown this to a lot of friends that are annoyed with their poor interest from savings accounts. They admire me for not being a sheep and researching this before putting £500 into a tax free ISA stocks and shares. We all wish to work together to learn more about this to do more with our money. Thanks!