Just paid a shady looking seller using Paypal thinking that Paypal could protect me. Bought a digital product, received, but rethought the whole thing and now I think I don’t trust the seller to not misuse information they may be able to get from that transaction.

Can they see:

  1. The name on my Paypal account
  2. The address on my Paypal account
  3. The phone number on my Paypal account
  4. The full card number (PAN) of the card used to pay via Paypal

Or any other information that you would think is relevant?

I am worried about them using my info to commit fraud, sign me up for 3rd party stuff using my name without my knowledge, or do similar bad things.

1 Answer 1


Can they see:

  • The name on my Paypal account


  • The address on my Paypal account


  • The phone number on my Paypal account


  • The full card number (PAN) of the card used to pay via Paypal


Paypal only protects the thing you can most easily change in this list.

  • For phone number, sellers can optionally require this. It's not the default.
    – ceejayoz
    Commented Oct 3, 2022 at 21:29
  • @ceejayoz I had an ebay seller call me on my phone and yell at me for less than perfect feedback that I've left, so whether it is default or they need to ask for it to get it doesn't really matter
    – littleadv
    Commented Oct 3, 2022 at 21:42

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