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Questions tagged [thailand]

For questions that relate to the laws, practices, and products of Thailand.

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SSO - Bimonthly and monthly (Thailand)

The concern is related to SSO Amount in Monthly Payroll. Please confirm which one is correct as per Payroll Regulation in the 2 scenarios and please share the Evidence if possible. Scenario 1 : For ...
Viji's user avatar
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How can a compute the Thai customs taxes before receiving a package from outside Thailand?

I plan to receive a package sent from France to Bangkok, Thailand. The package contains 200 USD worth of shampoo and hair conditioner. How can a compute the Thai customs taxes before receiving a ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Understanding Put Warrants on SET (Thai) exchange

I have having trouble understanding exactly how these derivative products work. For example this one. I understand that the European exercise style means that they can only be exercised on the ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
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Sale of a home in Thailand and Repatriating Funds to US

My wife and I purchased a home in Thailand 5 years ago and we lived in it for about 40 months. The property was purchased in my wife's name since I am unable to own land in Thailand. We Purchased ...
John Vogan's user avatar
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Time to receive foreign dividends (SET) to N. America

Is there an expected time to receive foreign dividends? It seems to take weeks or longer to receive dividends from stocks on the SET exchange. Granted they have to do a currency conversion and take ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
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How do I remotely open a bank account in Thailand?

A friend of mine told me that Thai bank account has no limitations in paypal for transfers, etc. I would like to try it out and open bank account in Thailand, register paypal account for it and use it ...
Jevgeni Smirnov's user avatar