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Questions tagged [international-finance]

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What is the acronym for investments that only billionaires can make?

Some time ago I read that when a product had high profitability possibilities, investments were opened exclusively to billionaires and any millionaire, no matter how much they met the required amount, ...
Willy's user avatar
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US Dividend LLC Taxes for Non-US residents and non-US business activities

We are considering creating an LLC in the US (Delaware or Wyoming), here as "Mother LLC" that will own another LLC in another country here as "Local LLC." The Local LLC will fully ...
blockbyblock's user avatar
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If an asset or currency pair is correlated with U.S. Treasuries, is the correlation with treasury yields or prices?

For example, the USD/JPY currency pair has traditionally had a close correlation with U.S. Treasuries. But does this mean that USD/JPY goes up when: (a) the price of U.S. Treasuries increases or (b) ...
StatsScared's user avatar
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Can a Bank Of America Cashier's check be cashed in another country?

I need to pay for a service in another country, can i create a bank of america cashier's check in the USA (in USD), send it to them and they can cash it like any normal check over there and it would ...
PHV's user avatar
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The Military Junta in Myanmar tried to "empty" $1B from the NY Fed. As a deposit liability of the Fed, where would this money have actually gone? [closed] In the above article the Myanmar Military tried to "empty" the account belonging to the Myanmar Central Bank held at the NY Fed. This ...
pm2482's user avatar
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2 votes
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Leveraging macroeconomic trends

Let's say I have strong reasons to believe that an economic sector of a particular country will increase/decrease in the next few years. How can I leverage this information financially? Should I ...
icenac's user avatar
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Can we get the portfolio size approximation from P&L [closed]

Im wondering if we can get the portfolio size approximation, if we have the volatility and -/+ pnl of the portfolio ? Is there a method or a formula ? Thank you
Gogo78's user avatar
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How do stock markets react to economic data like consumer price index, home sales, and job data? [closed]

Where can I learn about how the stock market reacts with the consumer price index, home market market numbers, bond interest rates, fed interest rates , GDP change, how the euro bond market affects ...
user2683098's user avatar
2 votes
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Is a loan in euros with a 7% interest expensive for a student?

I am admitted to a business school in France and I have just got a quote from Prodigy Finance. The loan amount is about 30000 euros, the fee is 2.5%, and the term is 15 years. The first repayment will ...
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