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Double tax treaty US-UK for UK resident

I want to understand if I'll pay taxes to the UK on my foreign income earned in the US and if the current tax treaty allows me to be exempt. Next is my understanding, and I'd like to know if it is ...
Manuel Carrasco's user avatar
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W2 details for foreign earned income tax exemption

I'm planning on being out of the US for a 12-month period, and plan to take the foreign earned income exemption. The problem is that my employer uses a payroll service which can only issue a W2 ...
will_durant's user avatar
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When can I claim the Foreign Earned Income Tax Exclusion / ask employer to stop withholding?

I've decided to stay abroad for a year (abroad starting August 1, 2020) and am considering taking the foreign earned income exclusion. If I decide to go that route, when should I have my employer stop ...
will_durant's user avatar