I'm having some difficulty understanding how one would hedge a portfolio using bull call spreads as outlined in the following paragraph (
Today is also a good day to revisit my suggestion for a long-term catastrophic hedge like the SQQQ 2020 $20 ($4)/30 ($3.50) bull call spread at 0.50, which pays a fantastic 20:1 if the Nasdaq falls apart. As I noted on the show, it's useless as a short-term hedge as the short calls will wipe out the gains on the long calls but, if the market tanks and stays down, you can turn $5,000 into $100,000 so we can COMPLETELY insure a $100,000 portfolio for $5,000. Since our $100,000 Options Opportunity Portfolio is already up 11% ($11,000) for the year, putting aside $2,500 a year for insurance is not that big a deal… (Source)
Someone gave me the following example to aid in understanding what the original author was suggesting:
Roughly calculations/estimates:
SQQQ at 17 today
Buy $20 calls for $4
Sell $30 calls for $ 3.5
Total cost for you is $0.5
Assume SQQQ falls to 10
Value of $20 calls will be 0
Close the $30 short calls to close position at $20.5
Net gain = 20.5 - 0.5 = $20
The part I am having difficulty understanding is:
Close the $30 short calls to close position at $20.5
Net gain = 20.5 - 0.5 = $20
To close the short call position, you will BTC $30 calls. Why/how would you net roughly 20.5 when closing this position that you originally sold for $3.50?