Country: United States; State: TX Tax Info: Filing separately Spouse: Employed (client-based business); Me: Self-Employed and work for a corporation.
My spouse recently had a medical issue that will disable him from working, possibly permanently. We recently combined health insurance and I switched jobs, so from what I gather, we are within the time frame of Cobra (which I'll be signing up for one month until I receive the next health insurance from the new company, which I estimate will take a 30-60 days). My spouse had a co-pay plan for January, but got off in February because he joined mine in February. I am almost sure that he can't keep it or pay on it for this catastrophe (we've been in the ICU for 2 days and there's talk of it being at least 5 more days).
From what I understand, with Cobra, my plan will cover this under the guidelines of what we had with my former employer. Note: if this is the wrong assumption, I'd love to be warned.
My question involves the future of health insurance for us and disability. Because he has this heart attack (he's only 22), I would almost bet that insurance in the future will do everything possible to make it heck on us in terms of costs (understandable). Likewise, the loss of his income will significantly hurt us. After looking at some information on disability, is it possible that we could have different health insurance - me with my employer and him through benefits for people with disabilities (they have diagnosed him with a genetic issue on this heart ordeal, so I'm sure it will qualify). Since our incomes are separate and we file separately, I wondered if this is possible? Also, if he has different insurance than I do and with a government benefits program, would this help reduce his costs, as it would be tied to his disabled income?
Some more specific details about the situation regarding disability income.
Since he was sixteen, he's worked every year (except one) and made at least $5000 a year, which from what I understand is part of the contingency in the credit system regarding disability income (see this link: From what I gather, a worker earns 4 credits a year if they make over $5000 a year, so my spouse would have had 6 years (24 credits). The only problem is that some of the years, he was considered a dependent, so I'm not sure if these years count for this, or what we would need to determine that? On top of that, does a spouse who's earning money disqualify the other spouse who's disabled?