Some guy wants to use my bank account info (user and password) and he also wants me to ship my card he said with 0 dollars on it. It's a debit card and I don't really use the account anymore it has like a dollar something on it. He said:
Ok look I work at Chase as a financial director. Every 2 months my boss prints out at least 30,000 checks and he gives us what is left over do to customer appreciation and loyalty conducting good business. We are given 100 checks (used for given to follow customers at our branch) What we are going to do are give you payrolls that are worth $8,000 to $20,000 dollars of your choice. The value of the payrolls are generously large meaning my boss only ask for 60/40 or 50/50 and 80/20 of the payrolls. Okay but all my boss is doing is making direct deposits and authorize transactions I give him to put threw but the process works with all banks.
So if I basically let this guy do whatever he wants with the account is there any harm? Since I don't even use it? Also I don't think I have any overdraft on the account also it's a high school Chase account of that's important.