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-3 votes
3 answers

US currency is only required to be accepted for actual debt

If I go to a drivethru, order food, get to the cash register, have I created a debt? They have already begun preparing and bagging my food? Do they have to take my 50 or $100 bill? At what point ...
Kayla's user avatar
  • 1
-9 votes
4 answers

Why did the $2 bill lose its cash value?

The $2 bill used to be worth two dollars, (duh) but now it's worth nothing in most places. Why?
Eevee's user avatar
  • 61
6 votes
1 answer

Can limits be placed by a merchant on which currency notes are accepted as legal tender? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: It is legal for a retailer/store or other business to refuse $50 & $100 bills or other legal tender, e.g. pennies? Here in the USA, it seemed to be becoming more and more ...
Fixed Point's user avatar
41 votes
5 answers

How common is counterfeit money in circulation?

I've noticed recently that several places where I paid with a $20 bill, the cashiers used a small marker to detect whether the bill was counterfeit or not before accepting it. Like so: I saw this ...
Jeff Atwood's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

I've heard pennies are being phased out in Canada. Is this true?

If so, will it affect how retailers price items? Will they round up?
Nat_Rea's user avatar
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43 votes
4 answers

It is legal for a retailer/store or other business to refuse $50 & $100 bills or other legal tender, e.g. pennies?

I'm trying to find out about businesses refusing $50 & $100 bills. Aren't they required by law to accept all legal tender? I had one person say it could be that it's not all legal (i.e. a ...
Cherie-Lynn's user avatar