I am about to move to Texas and am under contract to purchase a house with 100% cash. I went on the house hunting trip alone so my wife is not listed in the contract. My realtor suggested that I tell the title company that I want her on the title/deed as well. My wife will not be on that side of the country during the closing, so it would actually be more convenient for me to just sign it in my name and not worry about getting a remote notarized signature from her.
Once I move, I will set up a will leaving everything to her if I pass away (I also have one in my current state). We will not own any other houses.
Assuming I have my self-proving will signed, is there any reason I should put my wife on the title to my house? It seems to me that given community property laws and my will, there should be no problem with her inheriting it or getting half of it if I die or we are ever divorced, respectively.
Have I overlooked any reason to add her to the title/deed of our house? Tax implications if we sell at a gain, maybe? Or some reason I have not thought of?