I'm a self-employed individual who works in the event setup/execution/teardown industry. I am preparing my taxes and I'm trying to figure out if I can deduct my mileage spent commuting from my house to my event sites.
The IRS defines commuting as not tax deductible and business miles as tax deductible.
Some articles I read make it sound like driving to and from work is never tax deductible. Other articles I read made it sound like it might be tax deductible if you aren't driving to your main place of work (I don't really have a main place of work, each event is at a different location) or if your main place of work is your house (my house might be my main place of work, I do a lot of e-mailing from home but I also travel to and spent time at a lot of events).
I drove 3,878 miles this year from my home to events and back. It was 32 unique events in 38 unique locations. This has the potential to reduce my taxes by hundreds of dollars, but I don't want to do it wrong and get audited and penalized.
What do you guys think? Is this mileage deductible?