I have been with a School District for three years.
This last year I had major surgery. I met my deductible and by August I reached my OOP max. In September the district got a new plan. They made arrangements to reimburse employees for deductibles that were more than the original Jan to Dec. plan amount. They did not make the same arrangement for the OOP. So in August I owed no co-pays. September first I owe 30.00 co-pays.
If I was on a plan, and paid for a plan that is on a Jan to Dec cycle, how can they disregard what I have been paying for all year and reset me back to zero; when I technically have 4 more months on the calendar year agreement?
If they keep changing the plans mid year, why are employees on a calendar year. The OOP and the deductible amounts are really of little consequence when they reset everything within 8 months rather than 12. Is this legal?