I’m not sure how long this pattern has been going on but I just noticed certain charges on my credit card statement do not match the order date for my online purchases, particularly with Amazon.com. When I look at some order history I can highlight an example of this with one transaction that had two items
Order Placed: 12/16/2022
Item 1 Shipped on 12/16/2022
Item 2 shipped on 12/19/2022
Credit card Transactions
Visa 1234 12/19/2022 $25.87
Visa 1234 12/16/2022 $7.51
What’s going on here exactly I expected one credit card transaction of $33.38, what does shipping have to do with breaking up an order, it just seems to clutter up the order history against the credit card statements. The only reason I even noticed this particular order is because the credit card transactions were on separate statements falling just on the border of the statement end date.
Is there some regulation that mandates charge transactions can only be made at the time of shipping? Is there a way to ask vendors to just charge in full upfront to avoid these sort of messy loose ends that just proliferate the line items on a credit card statement?