I am trying to wire funds and my routing number to Citibank, which is 122401710 in Las Vegas Nevada, is coming up invalid IBAN when I go to wire funds.
When I called Citibank they told me that I think by mistake, but it was an international routing number.
I said it wasn’t. If you look it up online that Routing number is in fact for Nevada, but it’s also registered in Delaware blah blah blah.
Anyway Citibank could not even give me an answer or let me know how to wire funds. Can anybody tell me exactly what the heck is going on? I would also like to know exactly where my bank account is located.
It’s actually my trust. When I called Citibank, the girl said she couldn’t even locate my trust fund with the account number I gave her.
It’s just getting weirder and weirder. I want to know if my account is actually in United States. And where in the heck is it? Someone please tell me what’s going on. I’m actually very concerned no one can give me answers. They give me answers; they just contradict each other.