I get my income in euros. I need to pay for stuff in USD because I use shops like Dealextreme where the base currency is USD. I have a Visa Debit card (so not a real Visa) since I am a student but have stable income streams monthly. I get the following spread-costs with my card:

  • Dealextreme, 9.59%, when paying in euros - the payment is in euros and the base currency is USD [1]
  • Dealextreme, 2.06%, when paying in USD - the payment and the base currency are both USD [2]

I get the current course of one euro in USD from Google.

The spread-cost, 2.06%, is huge. I would like to get it even smaller. Which credit-card minimizes the given spread-cost even more?

2. Is there any other ways to minimize the given spread-cost even more?

I did not use Paypal in buying my merchandise. I am not sure about Paypal's spread-cost, but it's probably worse than paying directly with the given credit card.


>>> 24.10/18.74                  
>>> de = 24.10/18.74                # one euro in USD when paying with euros
>>> right = 1.4155
>>> diff = right - de
>>> ave = (right + de)/2
>>> diff / ave

>>> 24.10/17.38
>>> de = 24.10/17.38                     # one euro in USD when paying with dollars
>>> right = 1.4155
>>> diff = right - de
>>> ave = (right + de)/2
>>> diff / ave
  • 4
    Have you looked into doing the currency transfer outside of the credit card transaction? Perhaps if you opened up a bank account intended for international use you would be able to move money into USD and spend it in USD. Commented Oct 30, 2011 at 19:13
  • @duffbeer703 Thank you for your point! I knew that there is a more efficient way to do the thing. Need to find out now the most efficient bank account for the given purpose. Commented Oct 30, 2011 at 19:46
  • @duffbeer703 I opened a new thread about an international bank account which has only USD for a student: money.stackexchange.com/questions/11824/…, to minimize spread-costs in online shopping. Commented Oct 30, 2011 at 20:13
  • Is there a way for you to get income in USD?
    – Sun
    Commented Jan 2, 2013 at 19:12
  • 1
    I live in Canada. My discount brokerage charges me a spread of only about 1.5% each way for CADUSD and USDCAD. The large international discount broker Interactive Brokers charges even less for foreign-exchange transactions (though they do charge a monthly fee to inactive traders). Do you have some investments, such as mutual funds? Is your net worth high enough that it's worth opening a brokerage account to hold your investments? (Note that many brokerages charge all sorts of fees to customers with small accounts.) Commented Sep 4, 2013 at 19:57

1 Answer 1


Simply, pay in the same currency as registered in the market - normally the native currency is the cheapest and options are with 2.5% spread cost. If you cannot do it, simply pay the standard 2.5% spread cost directly to your bank or to the shop if possible.

  • +0. The answer was impossible for me to understand. Dear readers: please edit the answer so that it is more grammatically correct and so more understandable. Dear Masi: Please edit your answer to include both a full answer in English and a full answer in your native language. This will help us fix the English version. Commented Aug 29, 2013 at 22:11
  • Edited. Simpler better. Not any magic science there. I do not cover those little details here because every person is individual and needs special care and planning depending on many factors like country of residence, age and so on. Commented Aug 31, 2013 at 8:29

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