I get my income in euros. I need to pay for stuff in USD because I use shops like Dealextreme where the base currency is USD. I have a Visa Debit card (so not a real Visa) since I am a student but have stable income streams monthly. I get the following spread-costs with my card:
- Dealextreme, 9.59%, when paying in euros - the payment is in euros and the base currency is USD [1]
- Dealextreme, 2.06%, when paying in USD - the payment and the base currency are both USD [2]
I get the current course of one euro in USD from Google.
The spread-cost, 2.06%, is huge. I would like to get it even smaller. Which credit-card minimizes the given spread-cost even more?
2. Is there any other ways to minimize the given spread-cost even more?
I did not use Paypal in buying my merchandise. I am not sure about Paypal's spread-cost, but it's probably worse than paying directly with the given credit card.
>>> 24.10/18.74
>>> de = 24.10/18.74 # one euro in USD when paying with euros
>>> right = 1.4155
>>> diff = right - de
>>> ave = (right + de)/2
>>> diff / ave
>>> 24.10/17.38
>>> de = 24.10/17.38 # one euro in USD when paying with dollars
>>> right = 1.4155
>>> diff = right - de
>>> ave = (right + de)/2
>>> diff / ave