Edit: This question is about investing in mutual funds in India by a resident of India.
I have been working for the past 7 years. I have most of my savings in fixed deposits (60%) and stocks (40%).
My biggest regret has been not investing in mutual funds. With my approach with stocks, I am not able to earn money in 7 years. I now want to invest in mutual funds. What would be the best approach?
I can do a lump sum, the risk of which is that the market may go down in the upcoming months. Or I can do a month by month SIP where the risk is that the market goes up and my savings remain in the bank. How can I balance these two risks?
My biggest regret has been not investing in XXXXX
. NO, mutual fund itself is NOT ALL SAFE. A high risk mutual fund will wiped out your investment as easy as holding a stock. It can be even worst : a bad bucket of mutual fund will siphon your investment even if the performance is flat. In addition, most country mutual fund portfolio always show misleading "best buy low" performance that is impossible to meet by the buyer.