I'm trying to learn about financial statements and taxes in Canada. And I'm curious if I understood something correctly when a business has zero revenue, but still pays the sole share holder a salary.
Let's assume the business is incorporated in Ontario, Canada, and I am the only shareholder. At the beginning of the fiscal year, I have the following financial statement:
- Cash: $100 000
Liabilities: $0
Share Holder's Equity
- Retained Earnings: $100 000
Let's say I am supposed to pay myself a monthly salary of $5000 ($1k to tax deductions and $4k for net pay). I am the only employee in the company. And the fiscal year was terrible because I couldn't bring in any revenue. Is this what my financial statement will look like at the end of the fiscal year?
- Cash: $100 000
Salary Tax Deductions: $12 000
Due to Shareholder: $48 000
Share Holder's Equity
- Retained Earnings: $40 000
If that's the case, does that mean that by simply putting myself on salary, I've paid the government taxes even though the business made no money at all during the year? I just gave money away?