Is there any way to form an anonymous General Partnership?
The answer is simple in my opinion: Don't form a General Partnership with someone you barely know on the internet.
The General Partnership is something that makes it easier to start a small business ...
Is there any way to form an anonymous General Partnership?
Both of us want to remain anonymous and don't want to even tell each other each other's names. Is there any way to do this anonymously?
Yeah. Fire up those Wyoming LLCs.
An LLC can be a general ...
How do I avoid forming a general partnership while splitting income 50-50 with someone else?
The general partnership is the default: If you found a business with someone, without consulting a layer or writing up a contract, then it's a general partnership.
You avoid that by just not calling ...
Should I form a General Partnership? [US-CA]
General partnership is your default structure. You might want to formalize it with a properly written operating agreement, but when you start a sentence with "my friend and I" - you're ...
Is there any way to form an anonymous General Partnership?
I would suggest that you might want to pay a CPA to assist you in filling this document out (for the first time, anyway) as they generally have a very detailed understanding of the law and your ...
Is there any way to form an anonymous General Partnership?
I think the core point is that the Government needs a person and address, so they can contact you (to go after you for taxes, etc.). Therefore, anonymity to the government is not possible.
However, ...
My general partnership stopped making money. Do I still need a K-1?
If the partnership needs to file a 1065, you must complete a Schedule K-1 for partners.
You may not, however, need to file a 1065. Per the IRS instructions for form 1065 (emphasis mine):
Except as ...
How do I avoid forming a general partnership while splitting income 50-50 with someone else?
EDIT 2: Make sure they sign the contract before moving further. This will help to leave out any confusion or legal issues. In theory, they could claim you agreed to something else and threaten to take ...
How do I avoid forming a general partnership while splitting income 50-50 with someone else?
OP, as has now been said many, many, many times, it is honestly this simple:
Patreon will send $720 to your bank account.
You now send $360 to the other person's bank account.
Honest to God -
That ...
Is there any way to form an anonymous General Partnership?
To answer your specific question, that hasn't been answered:
Is there any way to do this anonymously?
Yes, you can give it away for free instead of selling it.
Otherwise, you'd better have your ...
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general-partnership × 16united-states × 14
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