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This tag is to be used for questions about stocks. If possible, this tag should be accompanied by a relevant country or stock exchange tag. Questions about specific stocks are discouraged but an example can be used to illustrate a point. Stock is also known as common stock or common equity; do not use this tag for preferred stock.

19 votes

Does the stock market fall faster than it rises?

This is closely related to the fragility of things and can easily be observed in times of war: it is much quicker and easier to destroy something than it is to build it. Companies can easily be regula …
Philip's user avatar
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7 votes

How to know which companies enter the stock market?

Market Watch has an IPO calender with details of upcoming IPOs that should provide most of the information you need.
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5 votes

How to reinvest my gains in the equity?

First key thing here is that if you don't know the answer to this question you probably shouldn't be buying individual stocks: you're effectively driving a car without a licence or idea how it handles. … Because of the above, virtually all people in your position are better off putting money into broad indexes of stocks rather than individual ones, where they are much better protected from the mistakes …
Philip's user avatar
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5 votes

What accounted for DXJR's huge drop in stock price?

Imagine you have a bank account with $100 in it. You are thinking about selling this bank account, so ask for some bids on what it's worth. You get quotes of around $100. You decide to sell it, but b …
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4 votes

Does the demand for an index ETF make its stock price go up?

No, this would create an arbitrage which an authorized participant (AP) would quickly take advantage of. Worth reading up about the creation and redemption mechanism (here is a good place to start) to …
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4 votes

Why would voting Class A Google stock (GOOGL) be selling for less than non-voting Class C st...

Google buys back class C shares, so as their buy back programme has expanded the value of C shares has risen disproportionality to Class A shares, and will continue to do so as long as they keep buyin …
Philip's user avatar
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3 votes

How could strike price for new shares be higher than the market price

This can arise with very thinly traded stocks for large blocks of shares. …
Philip's user avatar
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3 votes

Comparing ETFs following the same index

Just like regular stocks, thinly traded ETF's often have quite large spreads between buy and sell: in the 1.5-2%+ range in some cases. …
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3 votes

Buy small-cap ETF when you already have large-cap of the same market

Yes, you should own a diverse mix of company sizes to be well diversified. While both will probably get hit in a recession, different economies suit different sized companies very differently in many …
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3 votes

Large Volume exchanged, but not much price change in share

These are probably block trades. See here, and for Indian markets specifically here for more details on how block trades typically work.
Philip's user avatar
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2 votes

UK ISA buying US stocks

No UK stamp duty on foreign stocks. Dividends can be taxed at country of origin as you observe. …
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2 votes

What is the reasoning behind same volume of Bid and Ask size?

If its not a data issue, this is also pretty standard behavior from market makers, who make a profit from the spread between these two prices and will often put up identical/similar size blocks both s …
Philip's user avatar
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2 votes

Protecting onself from steep losses with a stop-limit sell order

1) is the key flaw in this is in many asset situations prices jump from x to y with little to no trading in between (and can actually reverse the asymmetry you think you are exploiting on the upside, …
Philip's user avatar
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2 votes

Is my strategy a reversion to a regression line, reversion to mean, or neither?

The key thing about these types of analysis is they are just a form of data dredging if you don't have a clear hypothesis before you start exploring the back tests. If you left a basic evolutionary te …
Philip's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are liquidity suppliers willing to provide "price improvements" when executing orders?

Imagine you have an equity trading at a spread of 50 vs 51. You have a solid idea the correct price of the equity is the exact midpoint of 50.5, as well as the ability to move very quickly when you se …
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