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Questions tagged [after-hours-trading]

After-hours trading refers to the buying and selling of securities outside of regular trading hours.

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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After hours matching

I put in an after hours sell order, well below the standard hours and after hours ask, on a liquid Dow futures security. The transaction did not complete. I looked in the ledger detail and found that ...
Avery Garmire's user avatar
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Volatility cost of buying Vanguard ETFs before market open on e-trade

I am buying Vanguard ETFs on e-trade. For the purposes of this question, suppose I am buying VO (a multi-sector mid-cap fund). It is a popular symbol (share class total net assets: 51B). I typically ...
personal_cloud's user avatar
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Why there is a boost in the after hours trading?

I noticed that there is a boost peak in the after-hours trading for TWTR. Why is that happening?
AGamePlayer's user avatar
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Will a pending stock buy/sell order get invalidated if the symbol or its structure changes (e.g. split)?

When placing orders for buying or selling ETF stocks, will a pending order get invalidated if there's a stock split, reverse split, or some other form of symbol/name change happen while the order is ...
pf_init_js's user avatar
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What is the explanation or significance of this single, out-of-whack after-hours trade?

On September 23, 2022, at about 5:03 PM (ET), there appears to have been a single after-hours trade of about 220 shares of META at a price of over $289, well more than double its relatively stable ...
Curious Novice's user avatar