I filed the 1040NR-EZ form for the federal return in 2015. On line 11, Itemized deductions, I entered the result of the "Itemized Deductions Worksheet" (just the state taxes that were withheld from my salary).
Now, I am filing Virginia 763 form. This says that I must itemize deductions if I did in the federal return. Since I didn't file federal Schedule A, but I filled 1040NR-EZ line 11, am I considered to have claimed itemized deductions on my federal return?
If I was, VA 763 requires me to submit the federal Schedule A, which I don't have. Also, since VA 763 asks to subtract the withheld state taxes from the itemized deductions, that means my deduction for VA would be exactly 0. Otherwise, I could enter the standard deduction (3000).