So I sold a piece of audio equipment to a man overseas who wanted to pay by cheque. I told him that was fine but I would not be shipping it until it had cleared, and he agreed.
A printed cheque finally arrived with a local branch of "Lockerbie" printed on it.
Immediately the man asked me to send the extra part of the cheque funds to a woman who was making collections for him to deliver it. At first I was a little confused but went a long with it, however luckily I never sent the funds as he suddenly went quiet.
Well over a month later now and my local bank has contacted me to say they need to retrieve the cash as it was a fraudulent cheque. I'm personally stuck because I needed those funds to pay off bills and deposits elsewhere (hence why I was having to sell the equipment).
Now the bank initially explained that the funds may take up to 28 days to clear and appear in my account, and as it appeared in my available balance just a little over 26 hours later I phoned the bank to check that the funds were definitely in my account and he could not back track if I sent the parcel out to him.
Where do I stand with this? I have a meeting on Saturday this weekend to go in and talk about it with them at my home branch. Personally I feel like this is their responsibility seen as they had to manually process the cheque themselves and contact the other parties bank account before depositing the funds into my account. Not only that but nearly a month later and they're only just getting in touch?