I moved away to Europe almost ten years ago. To be honest, my father handled most of the taxation legalities for me. I moved here, began my life and lived live normally. Now that I've married a citizen here and tried to register my marriage, a lot of hidden issues have now surfaced.
My father is rather well off and the company is family owned. I left home with a meagre amount of money to begin my life < 1000€ back then. Over the years, he has been managing my income-tax file and paid me a "salary" of 6,00,000 INR a year. Since they've been managing my file, they've filed returns on my behalf as well and paid all the due taxes normally in India.
I don't have an NRO/NRE account and I've never files taxes as an NRI. I haven't ever declared that I'm residing abroad and in Europe, I've continued to have my day job and pay the due taxes normally as well.
Have I committed a crime or fraud? How should I work to resolve this matter? My cluelessness has come to haunt me and I'm rather afraid of this mess. Thank you.
(Sorry to be posting anonymously-ish. I have a strong profile on StackOverflow being the top 2% of the community there but I would rather not have this associated with my profile there.)