You can certainly do that with getting a new loan if you want. As for what is the best loan, that depends upon many different factors. Your financial situation, credit score, level of debt, income, employment history, and a variety of other factors will determine which loan would be the best for you. Without knowing your situation a lot better, it would be pure speculation to answer your first question. Your best bet would be to discuss the situation with your banker, attorney, and accountant.
As for paying off the new loan early, you should read the paperwork of your new loan before signing it to determine this. Some loans have a fee for paying them early and some don't. This is why it's so important to read loan paperwork before you sign it. If you have trouble understand something, ask someone you trust. Ask a friend or trusted adviser to look over the paperwork before you sign.
I'm not an attorney. This is not legal advice. You should consult an attorney who is licensed to practice law within your particular jurisdiction.