I ran across this offer (German) which basically promises me 1000 euros for free (or rather, they give me an additional 4 euros), and as far as the given offer shows, there are no further costs or other drawbacks. Given that this is a well known German site (with German consumer regulations) I would pretty much trust the given conditions.
This seems dubious. My interpretation is that this means that the lender expects the market to fall more than 0.4% within the next year which is an obvious bet. However, for someone who has no doubt being able to pay the monthly 83 euros (i.e., long term employed), this should be an obviously (too) good deal. Assuming that the market will eventually (within the next 10+ years) recover, investing the money into the stock market would guarantee profit, or at least somebody else covered your investment fees.
Given that the bet of market recovery within the next 10+ years is rather low risk*, I get the feeling I am missing something as the lender could do the same themselves.
Why would a lender offer such conditions?
*) There is a risk that this is not the case, but if the market stagnates or goes down over the next 10+ years, we most likely have other issues at hand than the gain or loss of 4 euros.