Apart from the personal satisfaction you get from helping a nonprofit, donating your extra stuff can land you a valuable tax deduction. In order to get one, you have to itemize all your deductions – but that only makes financial sense if they exceed the IRS standard deduction amount, which is $6,200 for individuals and $12,400 for married couples.
To check if it makes sense to itemize, take a look at IRS Schedule A and see what applies to you. State income tax, property taxes, and mortgage interest are the big-ticket deductions for the majority of taxpayers. If you don’t have any of these, itemizing may not increase your deduction – and if you don’t itemize, you can’t claim a charitable deduction.
If I don't have other things but donations to itemize, does "but that only makes financial sense if they exceed the IRS standard deduction amount, which is $6,200 for individuals" mean that the total value of my donations must exceed $6200 before it can be used to offset my tax?
Why "State income tax, property taxes, and mortgage interest are the big-ticket deductions for the majority of taxpayers. If you don’t have any of these, itemizing may not increase your deduction"?