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For questions that relate to the laws, practices, and products of the United States.

3 votes
1 answer

What would be the impact of a fourth child on taxes?

Should I expect the tax effect of a fourth child to be similar to that of the third, or is there a point of diminishing financial benefit?
Leigh Riffel's user avatar
3 votes

Where should I park my rainy-day / emergency fund?

I am using ING for my emergency savings, but sometime last year I discovered SmartyPig. As of 4/24/2010 they offer 2.1%, which is even better than the 1 year CDs at most banks. I've switched two small …
Leigh Riffel's user avatar
0 votes

Is ING Direct Orange Savings a decent online savings account?

I've used ING and have no complaints with them, but right now if you can work with their restrictions, has a better rate than ING and better than any listed on
Leigh Riffel's user avatar
28 votes
5 answers

Where should I park my rainy-day / emergency fund?

This is the US companion of the same question for Canadians Where can I park my rainy-day/ emergency fund?. Basically I want to know what options I have for my emergency fund?
Leigh Riffel's user avatar