I hoped I could simply put all my funds into a TDF in a tax credit account and done with it, but it seems it's not that easy.
I'm trying to reallocate to these accounts:
- Individual Retirement Pension(IRP)
- Tax-free up to 7 million KRW per year based on income ranges.
- Stock investments are limited to 40%
- Can withdraw only in specific conditions such as a natural disaster or when you reached a certain age. Or can be mortgaged for a loan - The main reason causing my headache. Tax benefits are good and all, but I can't go for this 100% due to this limit, since I might need a big chunk from my assets in the future, such as a home purchase.
- Can terminate the contract, but must return all tax benefits.
- Normal investment account - Since IRP's various limitations on withdrawal, I'm using this to prepare for the time when I need a big amount of my assets.
My troubles are,
- IRP sounds good in terms of taxes, but I can't withdraw my asset from it without losing tax benefits.
- Normal investment accounts are flexible with less restriction on withdrawal but have no tax benefits at all. Considering I'm mostly investing in foreign stock mutual funds, I think the tax can be considerable.
- Due to IRP's various limitations, when a big chunk of money(that can't be covered by an emergency fund) is needed, virtually only the normal investment account can be sold, regardless of the market situation. This will make a mess of my portfolio allocation.
How to allocate assets between asset types and tax-benefit accounts?