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Searching for stock risk measure where a value of around 15 is fine

I am reading through some stock analysis documents (unfortunately they don't seem to be available online). They calculate something that they call "risk". For Amazon stocks its around 18 (...
Big M's user avatar
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UK FTSE Sector Indicies Data [closed]

I am trying to find an on source of FTSE ICB indicies from which I can download historical and current data from. for example I can view the current value of such indices here but I want to also ...
D-Dᴙum's user avatar
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Flat lines in candlestick charts

I'm creating software that will perform technical analysis on stock data. I'm using single day sessions. I've noticed data where the open, close, high, and low prices are the same. When I pull these ...
Keith H's user avatar
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bid & ask prices and technical indicators

I have a data set with historical prices (forex but I'm assuming it can be about stocks as well) - open, low, high, close - but there's two of each - bidopen, askopen etc. I want to use those data for ...
PiterS's user avatar
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How can one tell if a company's quarterly financial report represents a profit or loss?

How should I review an organization's quarterly report to determine if they had a profit or loss in their last quarter? Sample Report
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