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2 answers

How to invest $600K in rental or GIC?

we are an older couple in Canada looking to invest $600K to liveoff. We have no other income for tax purposes. Should we invest in GICs paying 5.5% or rental with a yield of ~2.5% given current gta ...
user129686's user avatar
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Are GICs a reasonable investment within a TFSA?

I have a TFSA with ~$15k in it. ~$5k is invested into a 0.9% GIC, for 12-months, but I've been told by nearly everyone I've mentioned that rate to that I was burned, and that my money could have been ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
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Why buy bonds when GICs offer better interest

As an individual investor, AAA rated bonds and even AA rated bonds provide much lower interest rates than a conventional GIC from a reputed institution backed by CDIC. So who would ever want to buy a ...
Victor123's user avatar
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Are there any other considerations for picking a GIC besides interest rates?

When looking for a GIC I get a table of options that looks something like this: Is there any reason why I shouldn't go with the higest offered interest rate? E.g. in this case with HOME TRUST ...
Guy Sirton's user avatar
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How can a bank offer a higher interest rate for a savings account than for a GIC?

At this link on rates offered by ICICI, the TFSA savings account rate currently being offered is 1.8% but the GIC rate being offered is 1.75%. But why would anyone put money in a GIC and lock it up ...
Victor123's user avatar
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1 answer

Are GIC and term deposit interest rates fixed, or do they vary?

If I buy a 1 year GIC (term deposit) at 1.75%, and two months later, the rate changes to 1.5%, am I still locked in the original interest rate of 1.75%? Or will the bank pay 1.75% for the first 2 ...
Victor123's user avatar
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