During my time at university, I've tutored several students to give me a small amount of income. I have in the past notified HMRC about this, however the amounts of money involved have been sufficiently small that no tax has been payable.
Next month, I'll start a full time job, but still plan on offering tuition of a weekend to a few of the students I've worked with over the last few years. In total, the amount I'll earn from this over the course of a year is less than £1500, but I would still like to declare this income.
All of the information I can find online relates to full-time private tutors, who are advised to register as sole-traders and submit self assessment tax records. What is less clear is what I do in relation to my job. Given that I'll automatically be paying income tax, how do I go about declaring my additional income? I'd ideally not like to declare this via my company, but equally I can't see any option for declaring this directly to HMRC.