My mother declared bankruptcy a few years ago, and all of her debts were discharged, including a car that was repossessed, and a house, which she continued making payments on (Was never behind), even though the debt was discharged.
It has now been a few years, in which she's made consistent payments for this house.
However, she is planning on stopping these payments, and letting the bank foreclose, which she thinks will take at least a year (Though some research I've done showed that on average it's around 200-220 days). She believes that since the debt was discharged years ago, there's no consequence of her leaving the house now, and letting it get foreclosed upon.
My question is the following: Is it possible to re-gain responsibility for a discharged debt by continuing to pay for it?
I understand that there's some aspect of this question that can only be answered at a state level;
The scope of the answer I'm looking for here is just whether there's any broad answer of 'No, unless state law says otherwise' or 'Yes - This rule [Insert citation here] states that .... and applies uniformly'