I'm in my early 20s, and I'd like to get serious about how I manage the money in my Roth. It's not very much, and up until this point I've only been messing around with putting it into commission-free ETFs. So far, I'm down. Great.
As I read more and do more research, it seems to me that growth is the way to go. I have a basic understanding of how I want my portfolio to break down. But, when it comes time to actually buy funds, I find that the best ones have a $2,500 minimum.
This isn't terribly surprising, but I don't have the capital to break my portfolio down like I want and buy into the best portfolios. So, my options, as they seem to me, are as follows:
(a) Buy into worse funds now. Make money. Continue buying worse funds.
(b) Buy into worse funds now. Make money. Save it. Buy better funds later.
(c) Hold off on buying any funds. Make money. Buy better funds later.
I honestly don't like the sound of any of these, but I assume many people were once in, or are currently in, my shoes. Does anyone have any insight on which course of action is best, or if there is a different course of action I might take?
Oh and if it matters, I'm finishing my Master's degree and will start my career in September (hence the make money part of the plan).
Thanks for any advice.