around 6 months ago I started this job. Around 3 months ago while reading this very website I downloaded a budgeting software and started writing down everything I earned and spent, and I noticed I'm spending roughly only half of what I earn.
This was my first serious job so I had almost no money when I started but now - for reasons of simple math - I already have enough money to comfortably live for half a year without working. I read, again on this very website, that it's a very good rainy fund.
But now I'm very torn on what to do. I already live fairly comfortably and while I try to avoid impulse purchases I buy myself mostly everything I really want, but obviously there are things I like but not love that I don't buy.
These are the options I see:
- Keep saving 50% of what I earn indefinitely, in case I need it later.
- Spend it all on small/stupid things that, while stupid, would make me happier. For example take taxis more often, eat often in nice restaurants, buy designer clothes, etc. I'll be young only one time.
- Save it to buy something big, for example a nice car.
I realize this sounds like a really stupid question, but I don't really know what's the right thing to do. Money not spent is worthless, but I feel this impulse to keep saving it.