Why does some financial mail come in perforated envelopes rather than normal, sealed envelopes? Is it because they contain sensitive information, and normal envelope seals can be carefully opened and shut using steam, allowing unscrupulous people to read their contents, while these types of envelopes can't be as easily opened and re-closed? If so, why doesn't all mail with sensitive information come this way, and how well does this actually protect you?

  • 4
    I think you answered your own question. As to why not all the sensitive mail comes like this - because it is more expensive.
    – littleadv
    Commented Feb 3, 2015 at 7:02
  • 1
    Based on the answers so far, I don't think I "answered my own question" at all. Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 18:42
  • Does anyone know what this type of envelope is actually called? Commented Dec 13, 2020 at 6:43

4 Answers 4


In the olden days with dot matrix printers, you could get multilayer continuous form paper that was already sealed on the edges. Inside was carbon or carbonless paper, and a layer of gobbeltygook that you couldnt hold up to the light and see through.

You ran the forms through the printer and could print inside without even opening it up. You didnt have to stuff the envelope as it was already sealed inside. Just tear off and mail. Since this was already standard practice, they probably just updated it to more modern print methods

  • 1
    Note that one of the advantages of this is that there is no opportunity for staff to read your letter/check/whatever before it gets sealed; it is printed already sealed. For some things, privacy is important. For others, simply making it look like something personal and important may be the goal, to encourage you to open and read it.
    – keshlam
    Commented Sep 5 at 23:05
  • How did you print the address on the outside without overwriting the inside? I guess there must have been a precise space reserved where it wouldn't interfere.
    – nanoman
    Commented Sep 6 at 3:03
  • I should mention that to print the contents, you need to remove the ribbon, or use a inkless ribbon so it only prints on the inside, not the outside. The return address could be preprinted, and the destination could either be injet or thermal, or a seperate dot matrix with a normal ribbon, and an area could be blocked off for the address, and in some cases, be useful, such as if it were a check, the pay to the order of could be the same as the outside. I think this was common with rebate checks.
    – Matt Hill
    Commented Sep 7 at 1:08

In addition to a possible security benefit, these types of envelopes save paper over traditional envelopes. The "fold and tear" envelopes, after you unfold them, are a single sheet of paper, printed on both sides. A traditional envelope has separate sheets of paper for the envelope and the payload insert.

I don't know for sure which is more expensive to send, but I could see the "fold and tear" envelopes as being less expensive than traditional envelopes. A single sheet is printed, glued, and folded, and it is ready to send. With traditional envelopes, the payload is printed and folded, but then must be stuffed into a preformed, windowed envelope in the correct orientation so that the address shows through the window. The traditional envelope has more material, more steps to complete, and more risk of defects.

The downside of the "fold and tear" envelopes is their inflexibility: you only get one sheet. Traditional envelopes can hold several sheets and a return envelope. The "fold and tear" works great for IRS tax forms like the W2 or 1099, which are small, standard size forms that fit on one page. However, for something like bank statements or utility bills, which are usually multiple pages, often include extra advertisements, and require a return envelope, the current versions of the "fold and tear" system wouldn't work.

In practice, I don't really see it as much of a security benefit. If someone wants to steal the info, they'll just open it, read, and dispose. You'll never know you got it, you'll request a new copy, and it will be assumed it was lost in the mail. I think the reason behind the popularity of this type of envelope is the cost advantage.

  • These are more expensive because the envelope and its content are coupled. You can buy tons of envelopes at really cheap prices in bulk and have your underpaid interns fill the content, or automate. Printing and paper are generally cheap and the inserts' folding is a standard machinery. But printing and folding in the same process is more expensive because you can't just stuff pre-printed random pages into the pre-made envelopes, you can only print and fold specific types of letters at a time.
    – littleadv
    Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 6:13
  • @littleadv No matter which system you use, the paper needs to be printed and folded. With traditional envelopes, they then need to be stuffed. With "fold and tear," some glue is applied before it is folded. Both are standard machinery, just different types. And yes, the traditional envelope is more flexible.
    – Ben Miller
    Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 6:17
  • What I'm saying is that the coupling of printing and folding makes it more expensive, not cheaper, unless you really send huge bulks of letters (like W2 from ADP - probably cheaper to do this than regular envelopes, I even saw some spam mail come like this)
    – littleadv
    Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 6:20
  • 1
    @littleadv Sounds like the verdict is that the "fold and tear" system is cheaper, then, given a sufficient economy of scale (since presumably the machines to make them are fairly expensive). Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 7:22
  • 1
    The reason some junk mail comes in that form factor is that you are conditioned to open it: it must be money or a tax document. Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 10:59

If you search on line you can find these "fold and tear" envelopes either in a continuous sheet or as individual sheets. There are even special machines that will fold and seal them automatically.

One advantage for pay stubs is that it can easily print the information on the bottom as a check or just "advice".

One advantage for some standard tax forms is that they come pre-printed with all the required info giving the explanations for each box on form. Some even come with perforations so that the forms can be attached to the federal and state returns. The tax and accounting software can be configured to work with a specific paper product making it easy to prepare all the mailings in one batch.

It easy to spot these envelopes in the mail becasue of their form factor. In situations where they send tax forms in a regular envelope they generally put the phrase "important tax documents inside". Of course the easy to spot form factor makes them less secure if somebody wants to steal your identity.

A long time ago I even saw a variation where tore off the top as a receipt and the rest of the document was the envelope for you to send in your payment. The envelope had the correct address to return the check.


This type of mailer (pressure seal self-mailers) provides proof of non-tampering (aka 'is tamper-evident').

In addition to the advantages mentioned in other answers.

Because the process of opening the letter is destructive of the letter itself (physically tearing the paper), any attempt to open this letter is permanent and irreversible without truly heroic methods and highly specialized equipment being employed.

As such, if you receive one of these intact, you can be certain it has not been intercepted and read. If you receive one and the perforation is not coherent, it has been opened and read (at least in part) and you should consider it evidence of a crime.

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