I'm doing my taxes. (I'm doing them really late this year because I became an independent contractor and I've been paralyzed by fear - I've procrastinated quite a bit.)
Turbotax is telling me that I can qualify for a deduction if I start an IRA before April 15th. This is something that I've needed to do anyway, and I'm willing to dump the maximum in there for this year (which I believe is $5,500).
(Note - I think I'd have to choose a regular IRA, not a Roth IRA, to qualify for any tax deductions.)
Is this feasible to do in three days (two business days?) Today's the 12th. I don't know how much of this works - ideally, I'd open an account today, dump the money in on Monday, and be good, but I imagine there might be a waiting period or some type of paperwork deal. Does anyone have any idea?