I live and work in Ireland. Can I pay my income tax in my home country which is a non-EU country?
I've read all of these:
- Is it possible to work in a country and pay taxes in another within the EU?
- EU: Receive income in a country and pay taxes in another
- Taxes for citizen of EU country #1 living in EU country #2 and working from home for non-EU country #3?
But my situation is different so, I asked a new question.
Also, I've seen this (which is for Eu-to-EU) but still, it is a concern to me:
You should note that the tax rates in the two countries involved will most likely be different. If the tax rate in the country where you work is higher, that is the final rate you will pay - even if the tax paid in that country is offset against the tax due in your country of residence, or if your country of residence exempts you from any further tax.
[Source: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/work/taxes/double-taxation/index_en.htm]
- Considering I'm gonna live and work in Ireland for the rest of my life probably so, what are the suggestions? Isn't better(or maybe I have to) to pay income tax here in Ireland?
- The tax rate in my home country is lower than here, Ireland
- Both countries have signed the Double Taxation Agreement (which I'm not sure if double taxation agreement is related to my question/case or not)