This has been puzzling me for a while. What is the best place to keep a last will and testament so that it can easily be found and executed obviously without any help from me?
I've seen a lot of people suggest safety deposit boxes, but I've also seen people say those can't be opened until an executor is named (which is specified in the document itself), so that seems like a bad answer. Also, there are thousands of banks out there. How will anyone ever know which one I picked to store this important document?
I've also heard that giving a copy to my attorney or financial planner is an alternative, but I don't exactly keep either of those on retainer and the same problem exists as the bank. How would anyone find the right one even if they were looking?
As for family members, I don't know if I feel comfortable initiating the conversation of who is getting what prematurely. So giving them copies is undesirable too.
Is there some kind of service or agency where you can file this sort of thing that the courts will know to check as a matter of routine?