Most people are aware that the debt to credit limit ratio is a vital part of the FICO score. The FICO score is updated every time new information is received by the credit bureaus. However, is it solely the CURRENT ratio that determines the score, or is the HISTORY of this ratio also a factor?
For example, Person A uses 90% of her credit and pays it off over a period of 12 months to 10% utilization. Person B maintains a 10% utilization for 12 months. At the end of 12 months, credit scores are pulled for both individuals. All other factors being the same, does Person B have a higher score? Are the scores the same?
I asked a few lenders and the general answer was something like, "The credit formula is unknown but I believe the score will be the same." I couldn't find a solid source, though. Does anyone know if simplicity wins in this situation?