It is hard to put an upper limit on how much money it is worth putting in an unemployment fund, the more you have, the better you can live, and the longer you can wait for a good offer. Your own estimate assumes both that you can spend very little money and find a new job relatively quickly, that seems quite optimistic.
You might not require a luxury lifestyle, and you might think that you will at least be able to find some job. But if you at least extend the fund in order to make it last longer you are in a much better position to search for the right job, both in terms of pay and personal preferences. Also note that some hiring processes are rather slow, this may effectively cut down the amount of time you have to find a job by a month or two.
Of course, there are also other reasons for saving, I assume you have some form of pension plan, but you might also at some point want to have kids. Then you probably also want to buy a house, and suddenly your fixed expenses have grown quite a bit. If you have the economic headroom now it might be a good idea to save some money for relieving your future self. Incidentally such a saving would also double as a rainy day fund.