This question is about the safety of foreign banks operating in India. I don't know how much people who are not familiar with Indian finance systems will be able to tell me, but I think it is on topic for the site.
I'll first give some background to set the question in context. India has, roughly speaking, four classes of banks. These are government-owned Indian banks, private Indian banks, cooperative Indian banks, and foreign banks with branches in India. For simplicity, and because it doesn't really matter for the purpose of this discussion, I'm lumping government-owned foreign banks and private foreign banks together.
Like many things in India, the Indian banking system is not exactly functional. In particular, the deposit insurance per account was, until recently, Rs. 100,000 (one lakh) - which is roughly equal to USD 1,306 at the current exchange rates. It was recently increased to 5 lakh INR (approx. USD 6,532) because of the PMC bank collapse (more about PMC in a bit). 5 lakh Rupees is not a lot of money even in India. The upshot is that India does not have adequate deposit insurance, which leaves depositors wide open to the consequences of bank collapses and the like.
Another relevant thing to note is that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has a list of Too Big To Fail banks, which last I checked, includes SBI (the largest govt bank), and HDFC and ICICI (the two largest private banks). So, for this reason, as well as others, these banks are probably as safe anything in India. For reference, This is a reasonably current list of the largest Indian banks.
Also, the general stability of the Indian banking system is unclear, but may be deteriorating. I'm not sufficiently knowledgable on the topic to venture an assessment.
Of these four categories, government-owned Indian banks are almost certainly the safest, in the sense that a government-owned Indian banks is very unlikely to collapse. I believe such a thing has never happened in the history of independent India. Not because they are well run, because they are often not. It's because if they run into trouble, the govt bails them out with taxpayer money, often in secret. However, government-owned Indian banks are not a great choice. They have staggeringly bad customer service, and are really unpleasant to deal with, which is a significant problem.
Secondly, there are private Indian banks. It's not clear whether these are safe, but it seems that the Indian govt has intervened to bail them out in the past, at least if they are large enough. A recent example is Yes Bank in 2020.
Thirdly, there are cooperative banks. These are a specifically Indian thing. They superficially resemble community banks, like co-ops or credit unions, but are not. They are very definitely not safe, and in a safe banking system would not exist in their current form. Most Indian banks are cooperative banks. They are fairly small, and there are many of them. I was not aware of this until recently, but many cooperative banks fail, and apparently nobody notices or cares. Mostly it doesn't even make the news. Commonly, what happens is that the RBI freezes the bank in a sort of zombie state, and the bank can remain in that state for many years. On 23 September 2019, one of the largest cooperative banks in India (137 branches across India), Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative Bank, unexpectedly collapsed, leaving several hundred thousand people (numbers are unclear), without their money. This happened because the management was committing major fraud for years and hiding it from oversight, including the oversight of the RBI. Then someone blew the whistle, and the RBI shut it down. The current situation is that depositors can withdraw at most Rs. 50,000 of their own money, plus a bit more if they can justify an emergency. And other than some occasional reassuring noises from the Reserve Bank, the govt has otherwise ignored the situation. This is as horrific as it sounds.
The final category is what my question is about. If a foreign bank has branches in India, it's not clear to me how safe those branches would be to bank in. Some example of foreign banks that have a significant presence in India are Standard Chartered, Citibank, and HSBC. I have and have had accounts in various private banks in the past. It's a relatively popular option in my location, though not in India at large. I'm now wondering if this is safe. Each of Standard Chartered, Citibank, and HSBC are very large banks in their own right, and I think they are safe, in that they are so large that they would be likely to be bailed out for the usual "too big too fail" reason. But this may not apply to their presence in India.
Foreign banks in India offer the same deposit insurance as all other Indian banks do, even though they will often offer much higher insurance levels in other countries. This may be a condition of the RBI allowing them to offer banking services in India. Obviously, it's hard to know whether these banks would offer higher insurance levels if they could. If they did, they would automatically be a preferred choice, of course.
I haven't investigated this closely, and I'm not sure I'd understand what I read correctly if I did, but it seems like the branches of foreign banks in India behave like a distinct entity in some respects. I've seen the term "subsidiary" used. So, I am wondering if such a subsidiary bank ran into serious trouble, like a major fraud, and was unable to repay its depositors, what would happen. Is the parent bank legally liable, or could it wash its hands of the matter with impunity? And if so, would there be anything the depositors could do? There are certainly precedents of corporations withdrawing from India and leaving a mess behind when they ran into trouble. However, I know of no foreign bank failing in India and abandoning its depositors.
The bottom line is - are foreign banks in India best avoided if one is concerned with safety? It's hard to know how paranoid to be, but it's also clear that a bank system that does not have a safety net is not one where one can take safety for granted.
Even though each of the parent banks in my three examples are very large, in each case their presence in India, if considered as a separate bank, is quite small. I haven't run the numbers carefully, but for example Standard Chartered Bank India appears to be comparable in size to PMC in terms of assets. And SC may have a larger Indian presence than Citibank or HSBC. And it's clear in the absence of a safety net, that ones best defense lies in keeping ones money in as large a bank as possible.
I'm looking for information rather than speculations. Both the law in this case (if it exists), and precedents (if known), would be relevant and helpful. Even precedents in other countries; i.e. not India, might be useful. And precedents in related businesses, as well.