When investing, I would like to find out the ratio of speculators and hedgers that are in the market. For some market, such as commodity, I guess you can make an educated guess, yet for many other markets this is not possible. Is there any platform that allows you to see such a ratio?
I can't speak to the futures market but with options, there is no public disclosure for intent. If I buy calls, I don't have to disclose if I am outright bullish or for that matter, I am bearish and have hedged short shares. Hence, there is no available data that denotes the ratio of speculators and hedgers.– Bob BaerkerCommented Feb 12, 2020 at 13:28
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The CFTC, in its Commitment-of-Traders report, classifies traders as being commercial or non-commercial. A commercial trader is a hedger while a non-commercial trader is a speculator.
https://www.cftc.gov/MarketReports/CommitmentsofTraders/ExplanatoryNotes/index.htm .
and is there any way to see the ratio f the two for a particular commodity/stock?– UdbCommented Feb 13, 2020 at 15:19